The West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office named the former Director of PT Bliss Pembangunan Sejahtera with the initials IT as a suspect.

IT is suspected of being involved in a corruption in operational cooperation (KSO) utilizing the assets of the West Lombok Regency Government in the form of an area of 8.4 hectares which is the location of the former Lombok City Center (LCC) shopping center building.

Head of the NTB Prosecutor's Office Investigation Team Hasan Basri said that apart from IT, the former President Director of PT Patuh Patju (Tripat), AS, who is still serving a sentence for the first case of corruption in LCC assets, was also suspected.

"So, we have named two suspects this Friday, namely Azril Sopandi, former President Director of PT Tripat and Badminton Tanihaha, as Director of PTbaniss Pembangunan Sejahtera," Hasan said in Mataram, Antara, Friday, January 31.

The prosecutor's office named both of them as suspects by applying Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 3 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

For the criminal acts of the two suspects, he explained, related to building rights certificate (SHGB) number 01 in the form of a 4.8 hectare land from the total capital investment assets of the West Lombok Regency Government to PT Tripat in KSO LCC construction with PT Bliss Pembangunan Sejahtera covering an area of 8.4 hectares.

"The role of these two suspects is that each director who conducts KSO, the form of KSO is the construction of the LCC. One of the crucial points is legalizing or being able to carry out or secure the HGB certificate on the land of the former capital participation of 8.4 hectares of the West Lombok Regency Government to Bank Sinarmas. Not all of them are collateral, only one certificate number 01," he said.

The NTB Prosecutor's Office in handling this case has confiscated the object of the alleged corruption case in KSO utilizing the assets of the West Lombok Regency Government in the form of an area of 8.4 hectares consisting of two sHGB, which is the location of the former LCC shopping center building on the main roadside of the province in the Gerimak area, West Lombok Regency.

The prosecutor carried out the confiscation by installing a notification sign for the confiscation by the NTB Prosecutor's Office in front of the LCC building.

The basis for the prosecutor's office to confiscate assets that are still in collateral status at Bank Sinarmas refers to the rule that government assets that are collateral in banks are an act against the law.

The case of LCC assets has previously advanced to the court table based on the results of the investigation by the NTB Prosecutor's Office. In this case, there were two officials from PT Tripat as West Lombok BUMD, who were caught in a crime.

Both are former Director of PT Tripat Lalu Azril Sopandi and former Finance Manager of PT Tripat Abdurrazak.

Based on the criminal verdict handed down, both were found guilty of committing corruption together, causing state losses.

In consideration of the verdict, the Panel of Judges at the Mataram District Court outlined the process of capital participation and replacement of the building that was built in 2014.

When Azril Sopandi still held the position of Director of PT Tripat, the regional company received capital participation from the West Lombok Regional Government in the form of strategic land on Jalan Raya Mataram-Sikur, Gerimak Village, Narmada District covering an area of 8.4 hectares.

The land then became PT Tripat's capital to build KSO in LCC management in collaboration with the private sector, namely PT Geliss Pembangunan Sejahtera which is a subsidiary of Lippo Group.

4.8 hectares of land from a total of 8.4 hectares, then used as collateral by PT Bliss Pembangunan Sejahtera to PT Bank Sinarmas. From this collateral, PTbanis in 2013 received a loan and made it the capital for the construction of the LCC.

The repayment of credit from capital loans with collateral assets belonging to the West Lombok Regency Government is reported to have no deadline for PT Bank Sinarmas.

In the process of the KSO agreement between PT Tripat and PTbanis Pembangunan Sejahtera, the involvement of former West Lombok Regent Zaini Arony, who participated in signing the agreement.

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