JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the House of Representatives Muhammad Khozin asked the Minister of ATR/BPN Nusron Wahid to prepare a technocratic plan in the form of a road map to solve agrarian conflict problems along with the many mysterious certificates in the case of a sea fence.
Khozin assessed that what the Minister of ATR/BPN had not been able to solve the problem in detail and thoroughly, aka still had not touched the root of the problem. He believes that this sea fence incident or agrarian conflict cannot be carried out by a handful of people at the lower level but there is involvement of individuals at the Regency or Regional Office (Kanwil) level.
"Crimes in this agrarian field cannot stand alone. Do not let us shout the land mafia but it turns out that one of us turned out to be the land mafia," said Khozin, Friday, January 31.
The PKB legislator from the East Java VI electoral district also requested that the problem of the sea fence not be resolved only by dismantling it. "But there must be a strict punishment criminally and professionally demanding," said Khozin.
Khozin reminded that the cavling of the sea fence is against the Constitution. As referred to in Article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution, the homeland and natural wealth contained in it are controlled by the state and used as much as possible for the benefit of the people. "This is clearly detrimental to the people," he said.
In addition to the problem of the sea fence in Tangerang waters, Khozin also highlighted unilateral lots in Tabbak Buffalo Village, Gersik Putih Village, Sumenep Regency, Madura, East Java. He said that along the coast of Sumenep Regency, it had been transformed into a pond with the status of ownership (SHM). The community has also tried to hold an audience to ask for an explanation from the National Land Agency (BPN).
"But the answer received was normative because it was deemed in accordance with the proposal," he said.
In fact, continued Khozin, the coast of the district that has been transformed into a pond has the potential to cause tidal flooding. The area was even narrated as land where abrasion occurred and turned into a sea so that it could be claimed individually.
"I'm sure this is just a small explosion that happened. But I'm sure, this also happens in coastal areas in other regencies," he said.
Therefore, Khozin urged the relevant Ministry to check the conditions for collecting ponds in Sumenep. Dirjen must go to the field. Don't just accept reports on paper because this problem cannot be accommodated in a paper sheet," he said.
Khozin added that agrarian conflicts in several regions in Indonesia must be a momentum for the government to immediately resolve problems. As well as find out in detail what the problem is and take action in the event of abuse.
"It's like a house if it leaks, don't be busy providing buckets. But find out if there is a leaking tile or maybe the ceiling has collapsed," concluded Khozin.
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