CILACAP - Public Relations Officer of the Cilacap Religious Court, AF Maftukhin, said that divorce cases in Cilacap Regency, Central Java, during 2024 increased by about 4.48 percent from 2023.

"Based on data recorded at the Cilacap Religious Court, in 2023 there were 5,750 divorce cases and in 2024 it rose to 6,008 divorce cases," he said in Cilacap, quoted from Antara, Friday, January 31.

Divorce cases in Cilacap from year to year have increased and are dominated by lawsuit divorce filed by the wife. In this case, of the 5,750 divorce cases that occurred in 2023, 4,178 cases were divorced, while the remaining 1,572 cases were in the form of divorce.

Meanwhile, of the 6,008 divorce cases that occurred in 2024, 4,456 cases were divorced, while the remaining 1,552 cases were in the form of divorce.

"The most dominant factor in filing for divorce by the wife is because the husband is not responsible for living, then there is domestic violence (Domestic Violence), there is a third party then abroad one of the parties abroad, then the last one who is a bit nervous is online gambling (online)," he said.

Even since the last few months from 2024 to January 2025, he said, almost 10 percent of cases received by the Cilacap Religious Court were lawsuit divorce applications triggered by online gambling.

Furthermore, he said that based on data per sub-district, the highest divorce case in 2024 occurred in Majenang District which was triggered by various factors.

"In 2024, Majenang District, there were 407 divorce cases consisting of 120 divorce divorces and 287 divorces," said Maftuhin.

One of the housewives with the initials Kus admitted that she filed for a divorce because her husband had not given her a living for a long time.

"I sued myself, I've been thinking, after this I want to go abroad to earn a living for my children," he said.

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