JAKARTA Member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Hasbiallah Ilyas, requested that the investigation into the alleged extortion case committed by AKBP Bintoro against two suspects in cases of sexual violence against children, namely Arif Nugroho and Muhammad Bayu Hartanto, be carried out in a transparent and complete manner. Muhammad Bayu Hartanto is known to be the son of the owner of Prodia.

AKBP Bintoro, who at that time served as Head of the South Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Kasatreskrim), allegedly asked for Rp 20 billion from the suspect's family with the promise to stop the investigation. In addition, he is also said to be carrying a Ferrari car and a Harley Davidson motorbike.

"The investigation of this case must be carried out transparently without any being covered up. The public has the right to know what really happened," Hasbiallah Ilyas told reporters, Friday, January 31.

Hasbiallah emphasized that the confession of the suspect in the sexual violence case regarding the involvement of members of the police must be thoroughly investigated. He stressed that this confession must not stop without legal action against the parties involved.

"This allegation of involvement of members of the police shows abuse of authority. Police officers must prove that there is no favoritism in investigating this case," he said.

Hasbiallah also requested that the examination of AKBP Bintoro by the Propam Division of the Polda Metro Jaya be closely monitored to reveal the real facts. On the other hand, he reminded that cases of sexual violence involving the two suspects should continue and not just stop.

It is known that cases of sexual violence committed by Arif Nugroho and Muhammad Bayu Hartanto have been declared complete (P21). The crime resulted in the death of a child and was revealed by the South Jakarta Metro Police on Friday, April 26, 2024. The two suspects were arrested for causing the death of a child's commercial sex worker.

"The state must be present in this case and prove its commitment to child protection. Anyone involved in the crime against a child must be punished firmly," said Hasbiallah.

Hingga kini, empat anggota Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan telah diperiksa terkait dugaan pemerasan terhadap tersangka kekerasan seksual anak. Keempatnya diduga melanggar kode etik. Selain itu, 11 saksi juga telah dimintai keterangan.

This case emerged after a civil lawsuit from the suspect against AKBP Bintoro on January 6, 2025. The suspect of sexual violence who also claimed to be a victim of extortion demanded a refund of Rp 20 billion and assets suspected of being illegally confiscated in a murder case.

In the lawsuit, AKBP Bintoro allegedly asked for Rp 20 billion and took a Ferrari and Harley Davidson with the promise to stop the investigation. However, the case continued so that the suspect filed a civil lawsuit.

The two suspects then reported the case to the Polda Metro Jaya on Monday, January 27. In the lawsuit, the plaintiff requested that the defendants, including AKBP Bintoro, return Rp 1.6 billion in cash and hand over Lamborghini Aventador, Harley Davidson Sportster Iron, and BMW HP4 motorcycles.

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