A total of four students died in the case of the dragging of 13 students of SMPN 7 Mojokerto on Drini Beach.

Outing class SMPN 7 Mojokerto City was attended by 257 students from the seventh and eighth classes as well as 16 accompanying teachers. The group departed last Monday from the courtyard of SMPN7 Mojokerto City by driving five buses.

Acting Mayor of Mojokerto M Ali Kuncoro said the results of coordination with the Gunungkidul Police, namely the 13 students left the group on Drini Beach.

"Only 13 students left the group and this was also confirmed by the Gunungkidul Police Chief. That the appeal has indeed been made," said Ali Kuncoro, last Thursday.

He added that upon arrival at Drini Beach, 257 students and 16 teachers performed the morning prayer before the incident when 13 students were swept away by the waves. The next schedule is to eat breakfast and then go to the batik location.

However, 13 students chose to play with water and were dragged by the waves on the south coast while others cleaned themselves up around Drini Beach. Dozens of students left the group, even though the accompanying teacher had made an announcement not to approach the coastline 50 meters in front of it was a ravine or trough.

"Peringatan sudah dilakukan dan para pendamping melindungi para siswa sudah dilakukan. Namun, yang namanya siswa pada usia yang masih belasan, tentu ketemu air inginnya bermain," bebernya.

Menurut Ali Kuncoro, pihaknya saat ini tak ingin menyalahkan siapa yang salah atas musibah yang menelan empat korban jiwa. Sebab, pihak sekolah sudah berusaha melakukan perlindungan terhadap ratusan anak didik tersebut dengan memberikan imbauan dan larangan.

"We are not looking for who is wrong, but this is chronological and we are already trying to find the best solution to this problem. Thirteen (children) played, and it turned out that the southern coastal sea wave at that time was not friendly," he concluded.

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