JAKARTA Until Friday, January 31 morning, the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that there were still 10 Neighborhood Units (RT) that were flooded, although all roads that had been submerged had receded.
"All roads have receded," said Head of the DKI Jakarta BPBD Data and Information Center (Kapusdatin), Mohamad Yohan.
According to Yohan, until 07.00 WIB, the flood was still inundating 10 RTs in West Jakarta. Previously, as many as 29 RTs were affected, but most of them had receded.
The water level in the affected areas ranges from 30 to 60 cm. As a result, a number of residents are still evacuating to safer locations.
"There are still seven RTs in Cengkareng Barat Village, and three RTs in Tegal Alur Village," he explained.
Even though roads in North Jakarta and West Jakarta have returned to normal, the affected residents still need help.
BPBD DKI Jakarta noted that hundreds of residents of Cengkareng Barat Village fled to the An Nur Mosque and the Palem GPPK Church, while 692 residents of Tegal Alur Village took refuge in the Al Madin Mushalla and the 015 RW Mosque.
In addition, as many as 500 residents of Rorotan Village took refuge in the BCC Depo. Meanwhile, 1,485 residents of Semper Barat Village are still living in several refugee camps, such as RPTRA Triputa Persada Hijau, Embrio Flats, and various places of worship and surrounding schools.
BPBD explained that flooding occurred due to extreme rains that flushed Jakarta from Tuesday (28/1) to early Wednesday.
High rainfall causes waterways to be unable to accommodate incoming water discharge, resulting in overflowing and causing flooding in several areas.
"The existing waterways exceed the capacity of the capacity so that they overflow and cause inundation," said Yohan.
Currently, BPBD together with related parties are continuing to strive to overcome the impact of flooding and help affected residents.
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