JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR)/Head of the National Land Agency (BPN) Nusron Wahid stated that he would immediately check the sea fence certificates in Subang Regency (West Java), Sumenep (East Java), and Pesawaran (Lampung).

After a meeting with Commission II of the DPR RI in Jakarta, Thursday, January 30, Nusron said that his party would begin tracing certifications in the three regions after previously focusing on Tangerang (Banten), Bekasi (West Java), and Sidoarjo (East Java) Regencies.

"There are a lot of jobs. After Tangerang, Bekasi, and Sidoarjo, we will enter the next three regions: Subang, Sumenep, and Pesawaran," said Nusron.

He revealed that until now his party had not checked the issue of sea fence certificates in the three areas.

"In Subang we haven't checked and checked yet, we haven't gotten there yet," he said.

However, Nusron emphasized that if there are reports related to the issuance of sea fence certificates, both in the form of Building Use Rights Certificates (SHGB) and Ownership Certificates (SHM), his party will immediately follow up.

"If there are additional reports, it doesn't matter. We will check one by one," he added.

In investigating the sea fence certificate in Tangerang Regency, Nusron revealed that the certificate was issued in two villages out of 16 villages that have a sea fence of 30.16 km.

The two villages are: - Kohod Village, Pakuhaji District: Terbit 263 SHGB with a total area of 390.79 hectares and 17 SHM fields with an area of 22.93 hectares. The Ministry of ATR/BPN has canceled 50 certificates. - Karang Serang Village, Sukadiri District: Three certificates have been issued since 2019, but Nusron has not confirmed whether it is SHGB or SHM.

As a result of the issuance of a sea fence certificate in Tangerang, eight local land office officials were subject to administrative sanctions.

In Bekasi Regency, the Ministry of ATR/BPN found two companies owning SHGB in Hurip Jaya Village, Babelan District:

1. PT CL SHGB was published in 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 with a total area of 509.79 hectares (78 plots). 2. PT MAN Has 268 fields with an area of 419.6 hectares. SHGB was published in 2013, 2014, and 2015. However, the SHGB could not be canceled immediately.

Meanwhile, in Sidoarjo, the Ministry of ATR/BPN found three companies that have SHGB: - PT Surya Inti Permata 285 hectares - PT Semeru Cemerlang 152 hectares - PT Surya Indi Permata 219 hectares

Two of them, PT Surya Inti Permata and PT Semeru Cemerlang, received SHGB in 1996 for the allocation of ponds. However, due to abrasion, the region has now turned into an ocean.

Even without the cancellation from the Ministry of ATR/BPN, the SHGB owned by these two companies will end in 2026 because their validity period has expired.

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