JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) held a trial for alleged violations of the election organizer's code of ethics, which was allegedly carried out by the General Election Commission (KPU) of North Barito Regency.

In the case registered with number 30-PKE-DKPP/I/2025, the defendants are North Barito KPU Chairman Siska Dewi Lestari, and members, Herman Rasidi, Lutfia Rahman, Paizal Rahman and Roya Izmi Fitrianti.

During the trial, the Pangadu, namely the candidate pair for Regent and Deputy for North Barito, Akhmad Gunadi Nadalsyah-Sastra Jaya, through his attorney Andi Muhammad Asrun, questioned the KPU's decision not to re-vote (PSU).

In fact, Bawaslu has recommended implementing the PSU at TPS 04 Malem Waken and TPS 01 Kampung Melayu.

"The Rekomendasi Bawaslu Kabupaten tidak dilaksanakan oleh KPU. Padahal tidak ada kewenangan untuk menolak, karena wajib hukumnya. Bahkan KPU in fact, dia membuasa, dia membuat kajian hukum dalam rangka mengalahkan rekomendasi Bawaslu itu kesalahannya," ujar Asrun saat ditemui di kantor DKPP, Kamis, 30 Januari.

Therefore, the North Barito Regency KPU is said to have committed an ethical violation because it did not comply with Bawaslu's decision.

"The KPU evades by making studies, what is the basis? Because there is a circular letter from the chairman of the KPU which states that, so a study is made, not implementing it. Even though it is not like that of the KPU regulations, the study is not to avoid recommendations, but must be implemented. The mistake there is that we complain. This is a violation of the law and includes ethical violations," he said.

In addition, Asrun also stated that there were allegations of violations of the vote. Because, the addition of an unidentified vote.

In fact, in the DKPP trial it was revealed that there were voters who did not bring their identity cards (KTP) when voting, on February 14, 2024.

That way, the North Barito KPU Commissioner is threatened with sanctions in the form of dismissal if the DKPP states that there has been an election violation in the area.

"So people come, then the assumption that the chairman of the KPPS knows that person, right, you can't say you know him. Then there is another letter stating that it is our citizen, that's not true," said Asrun.

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