JAKARTA - President Prabowo Subianto received the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrouei at the residence of Kertanegara, Jakarta, Thursday, January 30. The two discussed the sustainability of a number of the cooperation between the two countries, such as the energy and housing sectors.

Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) Sugiono after accompanying the President said the meeting was held to follow up on various cooperation agreements that already have a legal umbrella between the two countries, as a strategic step in strengthening the partnership between Indonesia and the UAE.

"He (Minister Suhail) came here to follow up on these agreements and follow developments in detail," Sugiono said in an official statement received in Jakarta, Thursday, January 30, which was confiscated by Antara.

The Foreign Minister explained that this meeting was to ensure the implementation of the cooperation went according to the agreement that had been made.

The cooperation discussed, according to the Foreign Minister, includes a number of strategic sectors including energy and housing, as well as other sectors that are comprehensive.

Foreign Minister Sugiono said that President Prabowo did not give special instructions to his staff. However, the President stressed the importance of carrying out all agreements optimally and looking for solutions immediately if there are obstacles in its implementation.

"There is nothing special, but he asked us to carry out all the agreement as well as possible. Then if there are problems, the solution is sought as quickly as possible," said the Foreign Minister.

This visit reflects the closer relationship between Indonesia and the UAE, as well as a shared commitment to creating mutually beneficial cooperation in various strategic fields.

Also accompanying the President in the meeting were Deputy Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas Fahri Hamzah, Cabinet Secretary Teddy Indra Wijaya, and Head of the Housing Task Force (Satgas) Hashim Djojohadikusumo.

Meanwhile, the UAE delegation who was also present with Minister Suhail was the UAE Ambassador to Indonesia Abdulla Salem AlDhaheri.

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