YOGYAKARTA - Burns are injuries to the skin or other tissue caused by heat, radiation, electricity, chemicals, or friction. Most burns occur due to accidents at home or at work.
Burns can be classified based on depth and extent. The depth of the burns is divided into three levels, namely burns of degree one, degree two, and degree three.
The degree of burns itself has different characteristics and treatments. To find out the difference, here is the explanation:
Reporting from the Hopkins Medicine page, burns are classified as degrees one, two, or three, depending on how deeply and severely the wound penetrates the surface of the skin.
Burns of degree one only affect the epidermis, or the outer layer of the skin. Burn areas are red, painful, dry, and bare.
Light sunlight is an example. Long-term tissue damage is rare and usually involves increasing or decreasing skin tone.
Second degree burns involve epidermis and part of the skin dermis layer. The area of burns looks red, moisturized, and perhaps swollen and painful.
Also read the article that discusses How to Effectively Remove Burns
Burns of degree three destroy epidermis and dermis. Burns of degree three can also damage the underlying bones, muscles, and tendons. When bones, muscles, or tendons are also burned, this may be referred to as fourth degree burns.
This degree of burns area looks white or charred. There is no taste in the area because the end of his nerves were destroyed.
For this reason, more severe and extensive burns require special treatment. This is because the age of the burn victims and the percentage of the area of the burned body is the most important factor that affects the prognosis of burns.
The American Burn Association itself recommends that burn patients who meet the following criteria must be treated at a special burn center, with the following cases:
Severe burns can be very severe injuries not only physically but also emotionally. This can affect not only burn victims, but also the whole family.
People with severe burns may experience certain physical loss, including loss of body parts, defects, loss of mobility, scar tissue, and repeated infections as burned skin has a declining ability to fight infection.
In addition, severe burns can penetrate the deep layer of the skin, and cause muscle damage or tissue that can affect every body system.
In addition, burns can also cause emotional problems such as depression, nightmares, or flashbacks of these traumatic events. Losing friends or family members and property in the fire can add to sadness over the emotional impact of burns.
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