The police thwarted the theft of a motorized vehicle that acted in broad daylight using firearms (senpi) in peace, Bandarlampung City.
"Yes, it is true that there was a motorized theft in peace this afternoon," said Tanjung Karang Timur Police Chief, Kompol Kurmen Rubiyanto, confirmed in Bandarlampung, Thursday, January 30, which was confiscated by Antara.
He said that one perpetrator of motor vehicle theft who was arrested had been secured at the East Tanjungkarang Police.
"Yes, there was a police officer who fired a shot at the perpetrator. But it was spontaneous because of the theft incident," he said.
He also said that currently police officers were at the scene of the incident to carry out further development.
"Our personnel are already at the TKP, later further clarification will be given," he said.
Based on the WhatsApp video circulating, it was found that there was a shootout between the police and the perpetrators of the theft on Jalan Putri Balau, Kelurahan Peramanan, Kecamatan District, Bandarlampung City on Thursday, January 30 afternoon.
From the video, it can be seen that one of the perpetrators was successfully secured by a long-barreled police officer. When searched after being arrested, a homemade revolver was found in the pocket of the perpetrator's pants.
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