YOGYAKARTA - Broken leg is a medical condition that occurs due to hard impacts so that it experiences trauma. This condition can occur in people of all ages and sex. If someone experiences this, first aid is needed to break the bone quickly and accurately so that there are more serious complications.

When experiencing fractures, first aid can be given, namely by giving mobilization to broken bones to reduce pain. For more explanations, look at the steps below.

Below are some first aid steps that you have to do on a broken leg.

When someone has a broken leg, it will definitely experience great pain. The first step is to help them to breathe in peace. Talk calmly and make sure they feel safe and comfortable.

Do the first aid by ensuring that the area around the broken leg remains stable and does not move. If the victim can't stand up or walk, it's best to help them to sit down or lie down comfortably.

You can also slip the bandages under both legs on your ankle and knees, or above and below the place where the fracture is broken. Place the bearing between the lower legs to make it more comfortable.

Roll the bandages to form eight around the legs and ankles. Tie the bandages with a knot on the side that is not injured, but stop if the patient feels great pain.

If there is swelling or bruises in the area, use ice to help reduce pain and swelling. Before placing it above the injured area, place ice in plastic bags and balut with a towel. Cold for 15-20 minutes, then give the break for 30 minutes to an hour, then cool it back.

If possible, wrap the victim's leg with a cloth or cassava to prevent excessive movement. Make sure not to be too fast so that the flow of blood circulation remains smooth.

Broken leg is a serious medical condition and of course requires quick medical treatment. After the first assistance was given, immediately take the victim to the nearest doctor or hospital to receive proper medical treatment.

Broken bones can cause some symptoms, including:

Broken leg can cause great pain and limited movement of victims. Therefore, appropriate and fast first aid steps are very important to take to minimize the risk of further complications. It is better to immediately ask for help if you are not sure or do not know what to do.

That's a review of first aid broken bones that can be given. Hopefully useful. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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