JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, responded to the polemic regarding the revision of the Mineral and Coal Law (RUU Minerba), one of which allowed universities to obtain mining business permits. Puan said the DPR opened a discussion room to find common ground regarding the matter.
"The DPR will of course open the widest possible space to listen to the aspirations of all elements of society, whether it's a university, whether then the community, to hear their aspirations," said Puan at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, January 30.
As is known, the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI drafted a Draft Law (RUU) on the Third Amendment to Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal (Minerba). This Minerba Bill has been passed as a proposal for the DPR initiative.
One of the points in the Minerba Bill that is of concern is the matter of authority for religious community organizations (ormas), universities to MSMEs to manage mines. Some parties criticized the granting of mining business permits (WIUP) for metal or coal minerals to universities in a priority way.
Puan ensured that the DPR would open a discussion room so that people from various elements could provide input.
"Likewise, the DPR must also provide what responses we will discuss in the DPR. We open these spaces so that there is no misperception or miscommunication or miscommunication," explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.
Puan hopes that all parties will not be suspicious and give the DPR time to discuss this matter. According to him, the initiation in the Minerba Bill is of good purpose.
"Don't start it yet with mutual suspicion, let's talk together and discuss first what points, what things, God willing, there will be a middle ground or a common ground," said Puan.
Puan emphasized that the Minerba Bill was prepared with the intention of providing benefits in the field of education and of course for the community.
"What we hope is that this law will not only benefit these universities or universities, but will also benefit the community," he said.
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