JAKARTA - The Kulon Progo Regency Government (Pemkab) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) said that the repair of the Sentolo-Nanggulan Province road which collapsed began in February 2025.
Head of Highways Division, Kulon Progo Public Works and Settlement Areas (DPUPKP), Nurcahyo Budi Wibowo, said that road repairs in the Polukuhan Setan area, Kalurahan Wijimulyo, were under the authority of the DIY Regional Government, in this case DPUPESDM DIY.
"From the results of the communication, the procurement of service providers for the repair process is planned to be carried out in February," he said in Kulon Progo, DIY, Thursday, January 30, which was confiscated by Antara.
According to Nur, the road repair is estimated to take about four months. This estimate is based on the results of the survey and studies that have been carried out.
"The study has been carried out through a planning consultant," he said.
Nurwahyudi said the road collapsed at least twice in the near future. The peak occurred on January 5, 2025, where landslides caused the road to remain one meter, so it could not be passed by vehicles.
"The plan is to start doing it in February 2025 for repairs," said Nur.
Head of the Emergency and Logistics Section of the Kulon Progo Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Budi Prastawa explained that the road had collapsed due to heavy rains which continued to pour for several days.
"In addition, under the road, it turns out that there are many springs," he said.
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