JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agricultural Security Service (DKPKP) Suharini Eliawati ensures that food stocks in Jakarta after the new year 2025, Chinese New Year, and ahead of the month of Ramadan in Jakarta are in a safe condition.
For rice stocks, the DKI Provincial Government has collaborated with BUMD, BUMN, and the Logistics Affairs Agency (Bulog) to increase the quantity of supply over the next few months.
"Yesterday, our stock was only two weeks, now it's four times. Our data, rice for the next 6.5 months is safe," Suharini told reporters, Thursday, January 30.
Then the DKI Provincial Government also made efforts to increase the stock of holticulture food commodities that could not be stored for a long time. Namely the procurement of food from producers in other regions through the cooperation of local governments.
"We are carrying out activities to strengthen cooperation between regions. God willing, by the end of this month we will carry out a government to government with East Java Province," said Suharini.
"Hopefully we will be given the opportunity with the surrounding regencies/cities," he added.
Meanwhile, based on information on the infopangan.jakarta.go.id page, the price of IR rice I (IR 64) in the Jakarta market today reached Rp15,280/kg, IR rice. II (IR 64) Ramos Rp14,443/kg, IR III rice (medium) Rp13,857/kg, rice Muncul I Rp16,006/kg, IR 42 rice (pera) Rp16,008/kg, and Setra I (premium) rice Rp16,135/kg.
Then, cooking oil costs IDR 19,617/kg, curly red chilies IDR 70,230/kg, large red chilies IDR 67,557/kg, green cayenne pepper IDR 79,100/kg, shallots IDR 41,070/kg, and garlic IDR 45,650/kg.
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