"We welcome and encourage all parties to be involved, but there must still be wise calculations. Don't force yourself if you are not worthy," said Cak Imin in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 29.

According to him, the involvement of more elements of society, including universities, in mining management can prevent a monopoly by a handful of parties.

"By opening opportunities for various parties to access mines, we can ensure the benefits are wider. The government can also determine a fair mechanism. Revision of the Minerba Law will open up opportunities so that not only a handful of business people enjoy mining results," he explained.

Cak Imin assessed that several universities have the capacity to manage mining businesses, especially those with expertise in mining and energy. However, he reminded that permits should be granted fairly and not create inequality between campuses.

"The most important thing is strict selection. Do not let all campuses get involved without readiness. Therefore, wise policies are needed in its implementation. Later, the arrangements can be asked further to Mr. Bahlil (Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources)," he added.

Sebelumnya, Badan Legislasi (Baleg) DPR mengusulkan agar perguruan tinggi dapat memperoleh izin usaha pertambangan (IUP) dalam revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara (Minerba).

Wakil Ketua Baleg DPR, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, menyatakan bahwa keterlibatan kampus dalam pengelolaan tambang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian perguruan tinggi sekaligus menciptakan sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang lebih berkualitas. "Kita ingin agar institusi pendidikan turut berperan dalam pengelolaan tambang. Hal ini diharapkan dapat memperkuat ekonomi kampus dan meningkatkan kualitas SDM kita," ujar Doli di Kompleks Parlemen, Jakarta, Senin kemarin.

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