BEKASI - Floods hit a number of areas in Indonesia, including Bekasi due to high rainfall intensity. The Bekasi Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), West Java reported that at least six sub-districts were submerged in water.
"The flood-affected areas include Babelan, North Tambun, Sukawangi, Tambelang, Sukatani, and Sukakarya sub-districts," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Bekasi Regency Dodi Supriadi in Cikarang, citing ANTARA on Wednesday, January 29.
He stated that the Bekasi Regency BPBD standby team had been deployed to flood points to carry out assessments as well as provide logistical assistance to affected residents.
"Currently, our team is conducting assessments in a number of locations. We are also distributing logistical assistance to meet the needs of affected residents," he said.
The flood also had another impact that surprised residents. In Kedaung Village, Babelan District, it is suspected that a 1.5 meter long crocodile was seen entering a resident's house.
This incident was recorded by the owner of the house and went viral on social media. Officers were also deployed to monitor the situation on the ground
"We are investigating the truth of the video. Officers have gone down to the location to ensure conditions are safe for residents," he said.
Dodi also ensured that there were no reports of casualties due to the floods that occurred. However, puddles of water still occur in several areas and the evacuation of residents continues.
His party appealed to the public to remain alert to aftershocks and other threats, such as wild animals carried away by flood currents.
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