Polda Metro Jaya has made special placements (patsus) against four police officers related to the process of handling the alleged extortion case against Prodia's boss.
"4 people have been served (special placements) in the investigation stage at the Propam Bid Polda Metro Jaya, on suspicion of abuse of authority," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi in his statement, Tuesday, January 28.
He detailed that four members of the National Police were currently being investigated by the Propam Bid of the Polda Metro Jaya, two of whom were former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police.
"B (former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police), G (former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police), Z (Head of Resmob Satreskrim Polres Metro South Jakarta) and ND (Head of Resmob Resmob Satreskrim Polres Metro South Jakarta)," he said.
Ade Ary also ensured that his party would take firm action against members of the National Police who violated the rules.
"Regarding the deepening of the incident, it is still ongoing and we will investigate it thoroughly. Polda Metro Jaya is committed to taking firm action against all forms of violations of members procedurally, proportionally and professionally," he said.
Previously, Polda Metro Jaya had investigated the extortion case allegedly committed by the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Bintoro against two suspects in the murder case, Arif Nugroho (AN) alias Bastian and Muhammad Bayu Hartanto.
"Following up on this information, Polda Metro Jaya is currently conducting an in-depth investigation by Bidpropam," said Ade Ary.
Bidpropam Polda Metro Jaya has detained the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Bintoro in connection with the alleged extortion of two suspects in the murder case, Arif Nugroho (AN) alias Bastian and Muhammad Bayu Hartanto.
"We have handled it from Saturday and at the same time we have detained it at the Metro Jaya Police Internal Security (Paminal)," said Head of Propam Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Radjo Alriadi Harahap.
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