YOGYAKARTA The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested Paulus Tannos alias Tian sPo Thjin. Paulus Tannos, who is a fugitive from the KPK, was arrested in Singapore. The arrest then raises questions, who is Paulus Tannos actually?
Paulus Tannos is a fugitive from the KPK who stumbled into an e-KTP corruption case. He is the President Director of PT Sandipala Arthaputra, the company involved in the e-KTP procurement project. The company, which is part of the PNRI Consortium, managed to reap a net profit of IDR 145.8 billion.
The profit figure obtained by PT Sandipala Arthaputra is quite large compared to the profits of other companies that also work on e-KTP projects that cost the state up to trillions of rupiah.
The KPK's own determination of Paulus Tannos as a suspect has occurred since 2019. There are allegations that he has colluded in the procurement project. The agreement was allegedly made before the project was auctioned off.
"The PLS suspect (Paulus Tannos) is also suspected of having a meeting with Andi Agustinus, Johanes Marliem, and the ISE suspect (Isnu Edhi Wijaya) to discuss winning the PNRI consortium and agree on a fee of 5 percent as well as a fee sharing scheme that will be given to several members of the DPR RI and officials at the Ministry of Home Affairs," said Saut Situmorang, who at that time was still serving as Deputy Chair of the KPK.
Although he has been named a suspect for a long time, Paul's name has been on the KPK's People Wanted List (DPO) since October 19, 2021.
Paul himself was summoned by the KPK on September 24, 2021, with the status of a suspect. Unfortunately since Paul's determination as a suspect, he has actually fled abroad. In 2023, the KPK managed to track down his whereabouts.
There are at least two countries that Paul had visited during his time as DPO, namely in Thailand and in one African country. However, at that time the KPK could not just arrest him for several reasons. Changing identity and citizenship is one of the obstacles for the KPK to arrest Paulus.
Setelah berstatus buron, KPK akhirnya berhasil menangkap Paulus pada 24 Januari 2025. Penangkapan dilakukan di Singapura dengan dibantu oleh otoritas berwenang di negara tersebut. KPK juga melakukan koordinasi dengan Polri, Kejaksaan Agung, dan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM.
Unfortunately, Paul could not be brought to Indonesia. Based on VOI's news, it is not clear when the suspect in the e-KTP corruption could be brought home on an extradition route. Based on information provided by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Fitroh Rohcahyanto, his party still has to complete the extradition requirements.
"KPK saat ini telah berkoordinasi Polri, Kejagung dan Kementerian Hukum sekaligus melengkapi syarat yang diperlukan guna dapat mekstradisi yang bersangkutan ke Indonesia untuk segera dibawa ke persidangan," ujar Fitroh.
That's information regarding who Paulus Tannos is. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.
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