YOGYAKARTA Landslides are the displacement of slope-forming materials which then move downwards or out of slopes. This material displacement can occur for many reasons, ranging from flooding or movement of earth plates. As one of the natural disasters, people need to be aware of the impact of landslides that can cause losses to casualties.
The impact of landslides is not only on the environment but also on human life. The following is the impact that will occur in landslides.
Environmental damage can occur when a landslide occurs. Even damage can be quite significant. One of them is because it is able to change the existing landscape. For example, natural water flow changes. In addition, tree habitat is damaged so it needs to be replanted.
Damage to the environment can trigger disruption of wild animal habitats. Even wild animals can be buried under the ground and experience death. When this condition occurs, it is necessary to improve the old habitat so that it can return to normal.
Landslides are able to trigger other natural disasters. For example, landslides that occur in the area around the embankment will cause flooding. The water will also erode the soil and cause landslides in other areas.
Not infrequently landslides cause human casualties. The number of victims depends on many things, ranging from large or small landslides to landslide areas whether in residential areas or not. In mild cases, this disaster can cause injuries, but in severe cases it can kill human lives.
Land deposits in this type of disaster will bury the victim's property. Usually the property is buried under various depths. Of course this condition is very detrimental to the affected communities.
Land storage due to landslides can damage public facilities such as roads, fields, buildings, and so on. Damage to public facilities due to landslides will have a domino effect on community activities.
When landslides build up roads, economic activity is disrupted. Not infrequently people have to look for other roads or are forced to pass through piles of land just to accelerate their economic activity. This condition will get worse if there is no other road that can be used so that it is the only road access.
Landslides can have a fairly wide social impact. For example, residential transfers are carried out to anticipate further landslides. This disaster is also able to put pressure on the community in the long term.
Productive land such as rice fields or gardens can be damaged until it disappears due to landslides. As a result of the damage, the community was forced to bear considerable losses.
Those are some of the impacts of landslides. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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