JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that the investigation into the alleged corruption of social responsibility funds (Corporate social responsibility (CSR) of Bank Indonesia (BI) which has dragged members of the DPR RI continues.
KPK Director of Investigation Asep Guntur Rahayu even said that searches had been carried out in a number of places to look for evidence.
Among them are the BI office, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to a place suspected of being related to members of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the NasDem Party faction in Satori.
"So some time ago, apart from searches at BI and OJK (financial service authorities), we also searched several places. One of them is in Cirebon. That's where brother S is," Asep told reporters quoted on Wednesday, January 22.
Meanwhile, when confirmed separately, Asep said investigators when he searched Satori's house or other places. However, he did not specify the exact time.
From the results of the forced effort, investigators found documents and other evidence related to the alleged corruption of BI CSR funds. "We are currently investigating this," he said.
"Investigators because there are allegations in this CSR case, the recipients as state administrators for the funds are channeled through the foundation," continued Asep.
This distribution must indeed use the recommended foundation. Because, Asep said, the funds cannot go out to individuals.
"Because this CSR aims for social activities, such as assistance to people who cannot afford it, educational assistance, purchases and others, which are essentially for social activities," he explained.
Previously reported, the KPK is currently investigating allegations of corruption in the Social Responsibility Fund (CSR) of Bank Indonesia (BI). The investigation uses a general investigation warrant (sprindik) signed in the third week of December 2024.
There is no name in the regulation yet. However, two people or even more have the potential to be charged after a search was carried out at the Bank Indonesia office to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) on Monday night, December 16, 2024.
As for this case, the anti-corruption commission has examined a number of parties. One of them is Satori, who is a member of the DPR RI NasDem Faction.
Satori was worked on by investigators on Friday, December 27. After being questioned, he revealed that all members of Commission XI of the DPR RI enjoyed CSR BI funds.
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