JAKARTA - The Legal Enforcement Assistance Consultant for the Indonesian Journalists Association (LKBPH PWI) is now increasingly solid with the joining of five young advocates who have experience in the world of law enforcement. Their presence is expected to sharpen the performance of this institution in providing legal assistance.
The five young advocates who join to strengthen LKBPH PWI have impressive backgrounds and expertise. Zentoni, Chair of the Jakarta Consumer Legal Aid Institute (LBH Consumer), is a curator who is also studying doctoral education at Diponegoro University, specializing in consumer protection laws.
Ian Mulyana, Secretary General of LBHM Exponent 66 as well as Deputy Chairperson of LBH HKTI, is also completing his doctoral studies at Trisakti University. Ian is known for his expertise in criminal and agrarian law.
Meanwhile, Jajang Purkon brought his long experience as former Chairman of LBH PPMI and Executive Director of LBH at Ib Khaldun University. For more than a decade, he has been actively providing legal advocacy for the workers.
Rahmad Riadi, who focuses on human rights issues, routinely fights in district courts to fight for justice.
Complementing the team, Caesario David Kaligis, Chairman of Peradi, East Jakarta, is known as a person who is highly dedicated in law enforcement and has no doubt about their courage. Their presence brings new energy and competence to LKBPH PWI.
The chairman of the LKBPH PWI, HMU Kurniadi, enthusiastically welcomed the presence of these young advocates. He considered that the five advocates had various specialities, making the PWI LKBPH more dynamic and resilient in handling various legal cases.
"Zentoni is a consumer protection expert who is now studying law at the doctoral level. Ian has extraordinary expertise in criminal and agrarian law. Jajang has long struggled for workers, while Rahmad is actively fighting for human rights in court. Finally, Caesario, with his experience as Chairman of Peradi, East Jakarta, shows his courage and dedication," said HMU Kurniadi when met in the Tebet area, Jakarta, Friday, January 17.
He added that their presence would provide new energy for the PWI LKBPH. "I congratulate you on joining. With these five young advocates, the PWI LKBPH machine will be sharper and ready to provide optimal legal services," he said.
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