BATAM- The Conservation Section of Region II Batam, Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) revealed the chronology of the breakdown of the crocodile breeding pool wall on Bulan Island, Batam City which resulted in a number of crocodiles coming out of captivity.
Head of the Conservation Section of Region II Batam BBKSDA Riau Tommy Steven Sinambela stated that the incident of the breaking of a wall or fence or wall of a crocodile breeding pond belonging to PT Perkasa Jagat Karunia (PJK) was reported to have occurred on Monday (13/1) at 06.26 WIB.
"The collapse of the pool wall or fence was first discovered by two security officers who had finished patrolling," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 16.
The embankment or fence wall of the captivity pond broke at two points, each with a length of approximately 70 meters.
The incident was reported to the company manager and forwarded to BBKSDARIAu and the Bulang Police.
That afternoon at around 12.52 WIB the team from BBKSDA Riau, Bulang Police, Bhabinkamtibmas Batu Legong, Babinsa Batu Legong, Babinsa Gelam Beach, Babinsa Pulau Buluh, and Babinpotmar Pulau Mengkada went straight to the captivity location on Pulau Bulan to see the condition of the captivity.
From this check, it is suspected that the rain that fell for three consecutive days caused the discharge or excess volume of water or flooding which caused the circulation of the captivity pond to no longer control the volume of three layers of the embankment or wall.
"The captivity has carried out initial security in the pool area to anticipate that crocodiles in the pool do not come out," said Tommy.
Based on information from the captivity party, the number of crocodiles in the captivity pool is around 200.
Crocodiles estimated to have come out of captivity pools are approximately five.
"We have formed a joint team for patrols from the day of the incident, and we have obtained three crocodiles from five detached," he said.
Since the incident, temporary fences have been made around the captivity pool area. Reservoir pool workers are on standby to anticipate crocodiles still in the pool.
"The joint patrol is still being carried out over the next few days," said Tommy.
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