MATARAM - The Bima Resort Police, West Nusa Tenggara arrested a man with the initials ALD (26) who was suspected of being the perpetrator of sexual harassment that sparked a riot in Tente Market, Woha District, NTB.
"Sudah ditangkap di Sape sekitar pukul 13.30 Wita," kata Kasat Reskrim Polres Bima AKP Abdul Malik dilansir ANTARA, Kamis, 16 Januari.
The arrest of ALD was due to the support and assistance of the residents of Sumba, NTT. They provided information that the man was about to flee outside the island.
"During the arrest, the perpetrator was about to cross east towards Sumba," he said.
Upon the arrest, now ALD has been detained at the Bima Police Station.
Iwan ensured that his party arrested ALD for further legal proceedings.
The act of sexual harassment against a woman allegedly committed by ALD triggered a riot around Tente Market, Wednesday (15/1).
A number of two-wheeled vehicles and kiosks belonging to Sumba residents who live around Pasar Tente were also targeted by the masses who were known to come from the families and residents of the victims' villages as a result of ALD's escape after taking action.
The residents' excitement was successfully suppressed after the police with the support of the TNI officers came to the location. To prevent further action, about 183 Sumba residents were evacuated to the Bima Regency Social Service Office.
The police have now carried out security at the scene and at the social service office. Iwan ensured that the current conditions could be controlled safely.
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