BULELENG - A woman with the initials S (27) from Jakarta became a victim of rape in Munduk Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency, Bali.

Head of Public Relations of the Buleleng Police, AKP Gede Darma Diatmika, said the victim was threatened with death when he shouted for help.

"The victim shouted and the victim was threatened with death by the perpetrator and it happened on a villa project," said AKP Diatmika, Wednesday, January 15.

The rape took place on Wednesday (8/1) at around 17.00 WITA. At that time, the victim was escorted by the perpetrator to check the villa project in Munduk Village, Buleleng. Meanwhile, the perpetrator is a teenager from the local village.

Furthermore, the victim asked the perpetrator for help to take several photos of the victim in the villa project using the victim's cellphone.

Still when the victim asked to go home, suddenly the perpetrator immediately grabbed the victim's body from behind.

The victim immediately screamed for help but the perpetrator threatened to kill him.

"The perpetrator is still a minor and is less than 18 years old," he added.

The perpetrator was then secured by local residents, then reported to the Buleleng Police.

"Sudah ditetapkan tersangka. Saat ini kami sedang mengisikan berkas perkara untuk nantinya dilimpahkan ke jaksa," ujarnya.

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