JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the PAN DPP Viva Yoga Mauladi emphasized that his party rejected the formation of a coalition of Islamic party axis. In fact, Viva reminds all parties to be careful about using identity politics as a brand to sell to the public.

"Although the characteristics or distinctive identity of a political party or political party ideology have been guaranteed in Law Number 2 of 2011 concerning Political Parties, we must be careful in using religion-based identity politics as a brand to sell to the public," said Viva Yoga, quoted by Antara, Jakarta. , Saturday, April 17th.

He considered that religious symbols should not be put into political turbulence because they could cause a break in social cohesiveness and could disrupt national integration.

Viva Yoga gave an example that several cases in the regional and presidential elections are evidence and facts on the ground that should be a lesson in history for the Indonesian people.

"PAN does not want such conditions to happen again. There is a movement to revive the Axis of Islam discourse in the 2024 elections carried out by PPP and PKS, PAN appreciates this political attitude as part of the PPP and PKS political ijtihad, but we will not participate in the Axis discourse. Islam, "he said.

He also explained that the discourse on the formation of a religion-based political axis would give rise to the antithesis of another axis based on non-religion. According to him, this political condition is certainly ahistorical and unproductive for the progress of the nation.

The PAN spokesman suggested that the discourse should be directed at contesting ideas and ideas to improve the quality of democracy and superior human resources.

"In addition to improving national health and economy, building food sovereignty so as not to be imported, building a modern military, and other themes that are useful for the nation's intelligence," he said.

Viva Yoga also explained the reason PAN did not participate in this axis, namely that the political education process of the people had to be directed rationally, through a common sense approach.

According to him, this is so that democracy can run healthily and be useful for improving people's welfare, not procedural or routine politics, but substantive and productive politics.

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