The Central Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) is investigating a case of alleged corruption in the management of the Plaza Klaten building in the period 2019 to 2023 which cost the state finances around Rp. 10.2 billion.

Head of the General Information Section of the Central Java Prosecutor's Office, Arfan Triono, said the Plaza Klaten building was an asset belonging to the Klaten Regency Government.

According to him, the assets belonging to the Klaten Regency Government were collaborated with one of the private companies for 25 years.

"The cooperation agreement will be completed in 2018. Starting in 2019, the assets will be managed again by the Klaten Regency Government," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 14.

In the 2019 '2022 period, he continued, there were alleged irregularities in the management of local government assets. It is suspected that there was a direct appointment of a third party who used Plaza Klaten.

"It is suspected that the appointment was carried out verbally by the partner, even though it should have been carried out through the auction process," he said.

The direct appointment of the partner was allegedly carried out by the Klaten Regency Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Office.

During that period, according to him, the receipt of regional cash from the Plaza Klaten rental should have reached Rp. 14.2 billion. However, only around Rp. 3.9 billion was deposited into the Klaten Regency Government treasury.

"As a result, there was a state loss of around Rp. 10.2 billion in the alleged criminal act," he said.

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