TANJUNG SELOR - The Monitoring and Evaluation Team (Monev) of the General Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasum) of the National Police Headquarters conducted an examination of weapons and ammunition at the Regional Police Headquarters (Mapolda) of North Kalimantan (Kaltara).

The examination which took place in the hallway of the B building of the North Kalimantan Police Headquarters was led by the head of the Itwasum team at the National Police Headquarters, Kombes Raswanto Hadiwibowo, accompanied by the Intermediate TK Police Auditor.III Itwasda Polda Kaltara, Kombes Tony Budiarto, Karo HR Polda Kaltara Kombes Yuyun Arief Kus Hendriatmo, Karolog Polda Kaltara Kombes Dahana and Head of Propam Polda Kaltara Kombes Badminton Permadi.

The team also consists of Kombes Adri Effendi as Auditor of the Level III Intermediate Police Itwasum Polri as well as members of the team and team secretary, as well as members of Itwasda Polda Kaltara, Bid Propam Polda Kaltara and Bureaulog Polda Kaltara.

TK.III Intermediate Police Auditor Itwasda Polda Kaltara Kombes Tony Budiarto said this examination was aimed at ensuring the operational readiness of the Kaltara Police in maintaining regional security, including the use and storage of firearms and ammunition.

"We strongly support the Itwasum Polri's steps to ensure compliance with the operational standards set by the National Police Headquarters," said Kombes Tony Budiarto, Tuesday, January 14.

"This examination is also a form of our commitment to upholding the professionalism of the Police," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Team, Kombes Raswanto Hadiwibowo emphasized that his party really appreciates the cooperation of the Kaltara Police in carrying out this task.

"We ensure that all weapons and ammunition are managed according to procedures so that they can optimally support police duties and do not cause procedural errors in the use of firearms," he stressed.

He explained that this examination included physical checking of weapons, the amount of ammunition, and supporting administration to ensure there were no irregularities.

"The results of this examination will later be reported as an evaluation material at the central level. This activity is running smoothly while still prioritizing the principles of transparency and accountability," he said.

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