JAKARTA - The Chief Executive of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) Tulus Abadi assesses that the community needs to manage the pattern of piped clean water consumption in Jakarta. This refers to the increase in PAM Jaya's service water tariffs for several groups of consumers.
"People must be wise in spending, so that spending on clean water is less than spending on other needs, such as cigarettes. This is certainly unfair and counter-productive," Tulus told reporters, Tuesday, January 14.
YLKI, said Tulus, had conducted a survey on the views of Jakarta residents on the use of PAM Jaya's piping water in the midst of the discourse on increasing water rates, some time ago.
Based on the opinion of the customer, as many as 60 percent of respondents felt that the current PAM rate was reasonable, 26 percent considered it expensive, 8 percent looked cheap, 4 percent said it was too expensive, and 2 percent said it was very cheap.
Meanwhile, the majority or 60 percent of respondents basically do not have a problem if the water tariff increases. Thus, Tulus reminded PAM Jaya to also improve the quality of water distributed through the piping network.
In addition, YLKI also requested that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government demand PAM Jaya gradually expand the reach of PAM water services, in order to reduce dependence on the increasingly severe exploitation of groundwater in the capital city.
"Eksploitation of groundwater in Jakarta is a phenomenon that harms the carrying capacity of the environment and can have a negative impact on the sustainability of clean water supply in the future," said Tulus.
Previously, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Teguh Setyabudi, emphasized that the decision to increase the PAM water rate in Jakarta as of January 1, 2025 had been carefully considered.
According to him, PAM's water tariffs in Jakarta have not increased for a long time. In fact, the cost of meeting the need for drinking water continues to increase. Meanwhile, the price of bottled drinking water also continues to rise.
"There are so many considerations. It's not just PAM Jaya's tariff since 2007-2024, it means that 17 years have never gone up. But there are also various other considerations," said Teguh, some time ago.
However, not all groups of customers experienced an increase in the piped water rate. President Director of Perumda PAM Jaya Arief Nasrudin said the increase in tariffs only targeted groups with water consumption of more than 10 m3 to 20 m3 and above 20 cubic meters.
For example, the category of very simple household customers or simple households using PAM water is around Rp. 150,000 per month, only experiencing an increase in tariffs of Rp. 5,000 compared to old rates.
"There is an increase but a month the increase is Rp. 5,000. So it feels like this figure is Rp. 5,000, this figure is still very reasonable, so it can still be broken down by the community," said Arief.
Meanwhile, social customer groups specifically for use up to 10 cubic meters experienced a reduction in tariffs. As for other group customers, it remains the same as before.
"If household customers use water wisely with consumption at 10 m3, then there will be no change in the rate that will be felt by the customer, considering that the tariff on the 0-10 m3 requirement is still relatively the same," said Arief.
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