NTB - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) appealed to Munawir Sazali, who is one of the suspects in the alleged corruption case in the distribution of people's business credit funds (KUR) for cattle breeders in 2021 2022 from PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Tbk Mataram-Majapahit Sub-Department Office, to surrender to investigators.
"We urge the person concerned (Munawir Sazali) to immediately surrender himself, to the NTB Prosecutor's Office investigators because there is no safe and comfortable place for those concerned to hide," said NTB Attorney General Efrien Saputera in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, January 14, quoted by Antara.
With the pretrial decision submitted by Munawir Sazali to the Mataram District Court (PN), Efrien emphasized that the investigation into the corruption case of cattle farmers' KUR funds continued with the status of the entrepreneur who was known to be from Central Kalimantan as a suspect.
"With this pretrial decision, we emphasize that the NTB Prosecutor's Office investigators have carried out the investigation process, including determining Munawir Sazali as a suspect in accordance with applicable legal provisions," he said.
Munawir Sazali in the alleged corruption case of KUR funds acts as an offtaker or collector of cattle.
Munawir filed a pretrial at the Mataram District Court with the respondent the Head of the NTB Prosecutor's Office. The lawsuit is registered with case number: 19/Pid.Pra/2024/PN Mtr, dated December 17, 2024.
In the petitum of the lawsuit, Munawir as the applicant stated that the series of investigations from the NTB Prosecutor's Office and his determination as a suspect were invalid and had no binding legal force, so he asked the respondent to stop the investigation process against the applicant.
Munawir in the petitum also asked the pretrial judge to grant all the material of his petition.
From a series of trials, the Mataram District Court has issued a verdict for the pretrial filed by Munawir Sazali on January 13, 2025, stating that it rejects all pretrial petitioners.
The NTB Prosecutor's Office in handling this case named Munawir along with three other people as suspects who have been detained by investigators. They have the initials M, MSZ, and SE.
Munawir in this case acts as an offtaker with suspects M and MSZ. The suspect SE is a former official at PT BSI Tbk KCP Mataram-Majapahit.
In the investigation process, the prosecutor's office has pocketed the results of the audit on the calculation of state financial losses with a value of at least Rp. 8.5 billion.
The loss figure arises from the results of the NTB Inspectorate's exposure which states that there are indications of state financial losses in the investigation of the alleged corruption case in the distribution of KUR funds.
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