Coordinating Minister for Human Empowerment, Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin, said that the younger generation is a candidate for future leaders. So, must maximize all potentials that have.
The statement was conveyed as a message when he was a speaker at the activities of high school students and vocational who were members of the OSIS forum (FOS) throughout Jakarta.
"They are excellent seeds that must be our wealth to be ready to become development agents, to be ready to become troops, to move all aspects of life, economy, social, politics, culture, which of course has great potential," said Cak Imin of the Jakarta TMPN Convention Building, Saturday, January 11.
According to him, the younger generation is a empowerment force for their environment, especially when they graduate from education.
For this reason, Cak Imin feels happy to be involved or involved in all activities of the younger generation. "When I graduated from S1, then graduated from college, I was also part of the empowerment mover. Of course I was very happy to be invited and be part of their work," said Cak Imin.
Meanwhile, on that occasion, Cak Imin also led the declaration of students containing;
"We young people for future leaders of Indonesia with the spirit of nationality and responsibility for this country we state,
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