Coordinating Minister (Menko) for Community Empowerment, Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin, said that the attitude of schools that punish students studying abroad for not paying Education Development Donations (SPP) for three months has tarnished the world of education.
According to him, if there is a problem with paying SPP or others, the school should coordinate with the government.
"Yes, of course, this is concerning all school, private, state administrators. Please convey it to the government. Both local governments, central governments," said Cak Imin to reporters at TMPN Jakarta, Saturday, January 11.
By coordinating, the government will certainly find a solution. Moreover, President Prabowo is committed to overcoming all problems of Rakayat, especially regarding education.
"We will definitely find a solution. There is no secondary basic education that we do not provide a solution. I guarantee that President Prabowo is committed. We will overcome all problems faced by the people," he said.
Regarding teachers who impose sanctions, Cak Imin said that education must be given. So, similar problems will not happen again.
"Yes, of course, this teacher must be educated by the head of the service, by the Minister of Education. So that especially the middle class. The middle class will be the government's concentration. So that if there is a problem, we can quickly convey it. So we can find a way out," said Cak Imin.
Meanwhile, a viral video showing an elementary school (SD) student is located on the floor. The incident occurred in Medan, North Sumatra. The reason the 4th grade student studied on the floor was because he was in arrears in school fees or tuition fees for 3 months.
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