The Gowa Police have transferred the detention of the suspect ASS, who is suspected of being the mastermind behind the counterfeit money maker (upal), after it was revealed that he was produced at Campus II UIN Alauddin Makassar, Samata, Gowa Regency, to the Class IA Makassar Detention Center, South Sulawesi.
"We have picked this ASS up from the Bayangkara hospital and we will continue (transferred) its detention to the Makassar Detention Center," said Gowa Police Chief AKBP Reonald TS Simanjuntak as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 9.
Before being transferred from the Gowa Police detention cell, the suspect complained of illness so he was taken to Bayangkara Hospital for medical treatment, and after improving, he was then entrusted to the Makassar Detention Center.
"Now the ASS condition is healthy, so the investigation can be continued," said the former Head of the Makassar Police General Investigation and Criminal Unit (Reskrim).
According to him, the ASS suspect was detained or temporarily delayed detention due to health reasons, namely outpatients or hospitalizations, confirmed by the doctor until the person concerned was declared cured.
The police chief said the suspect often had health problems because the diagnosis had heart disease and prostate.
Regarding the new development of the investigation into the counterfeit money case, he explained that so far 18 people have been named as suspects and have been detained.
"There are still two people on the wanted list (DPO). These two suspects are still being chased by a team in the field," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Makassar Class IA detention center, Jayadikusumah, said that the Gowa Police investigators had entrusted the suspect ASS to be detained at the detention center and his party had carried out administrative examinations from the police and a health certificate from Bayangkara Hospital regarding the detainee.
"We carry out in accordance with the existing SOP (standard operating procedures), we place it in the Mappenaling (initural introduction) room like the other prisoners. The capacity of the room is between 15 and 20 people, usually occupied for one week to one month," he said.
The next process, ASS will be monitored for health while undergoing detention in the Mappenaling cell room.
He also emphasized that the process of detaining the ASS suspect had not yet been transferred from the prosecutor's office, but was still a police detainee.
"This has not been transferred from the prosecutor's office, it is still a police detainee, it is still being entrusted," Jayadi said.
The police previously revealed the production of counterfeit money in one of the rooms of the Campus II UIN Alauddin Campus II Building in Makassar, Samata, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. There were 18 suspects, one of whom was the head of the local campus library.
The police also confiscated the counterfeit money as much as IDR 446.7 million denominations of IDR 100,000, hundreds of fake upal sheets of printing failure, counterfeit money maker machines along with their materials, upal print plates, and foreign currency denominations and fake securities.
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