JAKARTA - A total of 5,803 rabies-contagious animals (HPR) in Central Jakarta were vaccinated throughout 2024 by the Central Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agricultural Security Sub-Department (KPKP).

Head of Central Jakarta KPKP Sub-department (Sudin) Penty Yunesi Pudyastuti said, as many as 5,803 rabies-infectious animals that had been vaccinated consisted of 4,690 cats, 1,064 dogs, 30 apes, and 19 civets.

"2024 exceeds the target. People, especially in Central Jakarta, who have their favorite animals, are the owners in charge," said Penty when confirmed, Wednesday, January 8.

Previously, his party only targeted 5,600 animals for 2024 in eight sub-districts. However, this target exceeds the quota.

This HPR vaccination is carried out in rotation in 44 urban villages from 8 sub-districts in Central Jakarta.

This vaccination is carried out with a ball pick-up service, namely visiting densely populated residential areas.

Penty explained that this animal vaccination is an effort to maintain the status of Central Jakarta as a rabies-free city.

In addition, this effort is also to make it easier for residents to maintain the health of their pets.

Penty appealed to the public to continue to routinely vaccinate their favorite animals periodically, which must be done, especially for cats, dogs, civets and monkeys.

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