Padang City Police, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) has named one suspect in the alleged illegal mining type C in the Mount Sarik area, Kuranji, local city.
"Based on the results of our investigation into this case, one person was finally named a suspect," said Head of the Padang Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP M Yasin as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 7.
He said the one suspect had the initials RB who was positioned as the coordinator of mining activities at the location.
The suspect was charged with a crime of violating Article 161 Juncto (Jo) Article 158 of the Law on Mineral and Coal Mining.
The suspect RB has now been detained by the police at the Padang Police Headquarters, while four units of heavy equipment were confiscated as evidence.
Four units of heavy equipment were secured by the police during raids and control activities carried out in December 2024, and the police secured two excavators and two breakers.
"We are still securing these four heavy equipment units as evidence, currently stationed in front of the Padang Police Office while waiting for the ongoing investigation process," he said.
He explained that the investigation into the case was carried out by the Padang Police's Certain Criminal Action Unit (Tipidter) led by the Head of Unit Iptu Aviv Mulya Pratama.
On the other hand, Aviv said the investigation process was still developing by examining witnesses and collecting evidence.
"Investigations are still dynamic, it is possible that there will be additional suspects if they are supported by sufficient facts, information, and evidence," he explained.
Previously, Padang Police held enforcement and law enforcement activities against illegal mines in the Sarik River area, Kuranji District on December 3.
During this activity, the team found that there was excavation activity c which was suspected to be illegal because it could not show the required documents and permits as required by law.
Because they did not have a letter or permit documents, the police suspected that mining activities at the local location were illegal, four units of heavy equipment operating were immediately secured.
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