KEDIRI A married couple, Danang (31) and Aminatun (28), are suspects in the tragic suicide attempt that occurred in Kediri Regency, East Java. During the reconstruction at the Kediri Police, both were proven to mix Timex rat poison with packaged milk, which was then given to their two children, MDNP (8) and MRS (2).
The Head of PPA Satreskrim Kediri Police, Ipda Hery Wiyono, revealed that the poison was purchased by Aminatun and mixed by Danang. The poisonous milk is poured into four glasses to be drunk together as part of the family's suicide plan.
"The scene footage shows that the wife bought rat poison, while the husband mixed poison into milk and served it to the children. The eldest child, MDNP, even asked relatives by telephone to come to the house," explained Hery on Monday, January 6, 2025.
From the results of the investigation, the action was triggered by pressure due to debt bondage of Rp. 28 million, which came from online loans, savings and loan cooperatives, and banks. The terror from debt collectors made the couple's mental condition worse until they decided to end their life together.
The unfortunate incident took place on December 12, 2024, at around 20.00 WIB, when all family members drank poisoned milk together. The next day, December 13, 2024, they were found weak. Tragically, a toddler MRS (2) died, while three other family members were rescued.
Hery confirmed that this suicide attempt was an agreement between husband and wife. Their two children did not know that the drink had been mixed with poison. Currently, the legal process against the two suspects continues.
"The reconstruction has been completed, and we will immediately hand over the case files to the Prosecutor's Office," concluded Hery.
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