JAKARTA - Muhammad Ihsan (29) as the witness who participated in the raid on the ITC Grand Permata Hijau Bunker Bar, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta revealed that he saw the teenage boys in the bar wearing women's clothes and styles that started like women.

"The clothes are girls' clothes. It's a boy but the clothes are girls but the wear is visible," Ihsan told VOI, Monday, January 6.

Ihsan said at the time he saw the number of teenagers in the Bunker bar, about 25 people with an average age of 19-20.

"Costs of people, roughly 25 people," he said.

In a behavioral manner, said Ihsan, they are like women even though they are male. So as to convince him that they are carrying out LGBT activities.

"How come the behavior starts like that. But if you kiss, I don't see it. It's just starting," he said.

The same thing was said by the security officer of Grand ITC Permata Hijau, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta with the initials A. He said the activity had been going on for 7 months.

"It's been going on for 7 months. His style is like bencong-bencong. I was annoyed to see him," he said.

According to VOI monitoring at the location, Bunker Bar is on the groundment floor of ITC Grand Permata Hijau. The location is in the corner and covered by an iron fence, so there is no visible activity in that place.

After passing through the iron fence, visitors must walk about 2-3 minutes to arrive at the location.

Arriving at the location, a banner was seen saying that the place had been permanently closed since January 1, 2025.

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