NUNUKAN - The realization of the Free Nutrition Food Program (MBG) at Nunukan, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) has begun. Kodim 0911/Nunukan and Babinsa in the ranks of the South Nunukan region went directly to assist the distribution with the National Nutrition Agency (BGN).
Head of Information for Korem (Kapenrem) 092 Maharajalila, Captain Chk Supriadi explained that his party through Kodim 0911/Nunukan also supported and succeeded in the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program launched by President Prabowo Subianto.
"There are six schools in Nunukan Selatan District that have started this MBG program in Nunukan with an allocation of 2,700 servings of food," said Supriadi, Monday, January 6.
"The presented Minister of Foreign Affairs has been designed in such a way as to meet the nutritional needs of school children," he continued
He explained that the MBG menu presented consisted of rice, tumis kuragang kuning, tempe, chicken krispi, and watermelon fruit.
"Kodim is advised to provide assistance, health promotion managers at the Health Office (Health Office) have compiled a menu that varies and is balanced in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Where, each portion of food contains about 719 calories, 34 grams of protein, and 30.7 grams of fat," he explained.
This menu has been adjusted to the Juknis for the Implementation of Government Assistance for the Free Nutrition Eating Program for Fiscal Year 2025.
"We are optimistic that this program will improve the health and nutrition of school children in Nunukan and will have a positive impact on their learning achievements," he added.
Meanwhile, the Principal of SDN 05 Nunukan Selatan welcomed this program. His party is very grateful for the government's initiative.
"This Free Nutrition Food Program is very useful for our children and hopefully this program will be sustainable," he said.
The Free Nutrition Food Program at Nunukan will last for the next year. A total of 2,700 servings of nutritious food are distributed every day to six appointed schools, namely SD 03, SD 05, SD 2, and SD 1 Nunukan Selatan, as well as SMP 4, and SMA 2 Nunukan Selatan.
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