JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police has seized the Aruss Hotel in Semarang, Central Java. The seizure was carried out because the hotel is strongly suspected of being the result of money laundering (TPPU) from online gambling.

"So we have been investigating the process for some time, we see that the asset is in the form of one unit of the Aruss Hotel in Semarang, Central Java," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Helfi Assegaf, Monday, January 6.

The Aruss Hotel is suspected of being TPPU because it was found that there was a flow of money from online gambling to PT AJP, which manages the lodging.

From the investigation, the flow of money that is strongly indicated to be the result of online gambling reached IDR 40.5 billion.

"What is managed by PT AJP comes from funds transferred from FH's account through 5 accounts, the first one account from OR, RF, MG, and two accounts from KV," he said.

"As well as the results of cash withdrawals and cash deposits made by GP and AS. With a total value of IDR 40,560,000,000 (IDR 40.5 billion)," continued Helfi.

The tens of billions of rupiah came from bookies of several online gambling sites. So, on that basis, the Aruss Hotel was confiscated.

"The account is suspected to be managed by a bookie associated with an online gambling platform, among others, dafabet, agen138, and soccer betting," said Helfi.

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