JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission XIII of the House of Representatives Andreas Hugo Pareira assessed that the discourse of a peaceful fine for corruptors made the public confused. He said there were too many contradictory statements from government elites regarding this issue.

"The people are confused by contradictory statements by our own political elite," said Andreas Hugo Pareira, Monday, December 30.

This issue was widely discussed after President Prabowo Subianto discussed giving forgiveness to corruptors as long as they returned the state money they had taken. Andreas then reminded Prabowo's commitment, who before being sworn in as president, stated that he would pursue corruptors even to Antarctica.

According to Andreas, long before becoming president Prabowo, he had said the same thing.

"The president said during his speech that he would pursue corruptors to the Pole. But then the government wanted to be a corruptor, now it's different again, so it's a peaceful fine," said the legislator from the electoral district of East Nusa Tenggara I.

Meanwhile, Minister Supratman raised the discourse of a peaceful fine for corruptors after Prabowo's statement regarding forgiveness for perpetrators of corruption. The corruption fine refers to Article 35 paragraph (1) letter k of Law Number 11 of 2021 concerning the Indonesian Attorney General's Office.

Minister of Law and Human Rights Supratman argued that the regulation provides space to settle cases outside the court for perpetrators of economic crimes that harm state finances.

However, after drawing criticism from the public, the discourse was stopped by confirming that the application of a peaceful fine only applies to economic crimes, not corruption. This Government inconsistency is a concern and is considered to have the potential to damage public confidence in the commitment to eradicating corruption.

"The government must show consistency in law enforcement, especially related to corruption that has harmed the country's finances and economy," Andreas explained.

"The people need real legal certainty and justice. Do not let the policies or discourse thrown by state officials create loopholes for abuse," he continued.

Furthermore, Andreas explained that the Government must understand that corruption is an extraordinary crime that requires a firm and consistent legal approach. Revenge or a peaceful fine will only give the impression that corruption can be negotiated.

"It is better before making a policy statement, the Government will discuss it carefully and clearly so that the public is not full of questions and misinterpretations," said Andreas.

The leadership of the Commission in the DPR, which has a scope of work in the field of legal and human rights reforms, asked the Government to be consistent when issuing public statements. Andreas also reminded the Government to make policies that do not injure people's justice.

"Especially regarding law enforcement. Consistency in law enforcement is the key to maintaining public trust and ensuring justice for all Indonesian people," he said.

"And don't let policies or programs made make the public feel hurt or betrayed by their own leadership," concluded Andreas.

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