JAKARTA - The Pekanbaru City Government, Riau Province, temporarily closed activities in two houses of worship because a number of local communities, in two neighborhoods in the area, tested positive for COVID-19.

"The implementation of tarawih worship in the two neighborhoods (RW) had to be abolished when the PPKM was implemented and the Pekanbaru City COVID-19 Task Force will further discuss the conditions for the discovery of positive COVID-19 cases," said the Assistant for Government and People's Welfare of the City Regional Secretariat. Pekanbaru Azwan was reported by Antara, Friday, April 16.

Activities at two houses of worship were temporarily closed during Ramadan because several residents in 10 houses in two RWs in Pekanbaru City tested positive for COVID-19. Starting from Thursday, April 15 evening, in the area the Community Activity Restriction Enforcement (PPKM) is implemented.

He said the discussion was intensified regarding the socialization of Pekanbaru Mayor Decree Number 402 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of PPKM, with a focus on the two red zone areas, namely RW06 East Sidomulyo Village, Marpoyan Damai District and RW04 East Tangkerang Village, Tenayan Raya District.

"Therefore PPKM is implemented but still refers to the Ministry of Home Affairs Instruction Number 07/2021, namely the determination of the red zone is not based on the village, but the parameter is the house. If it is found that there are more than five positive COVID-19 cases in more than five housing units whose occupants are positive for the corona virus, it is determined as a red zone, "he said.

He explained that the meeting to discuss PPKM was held together with a coordination forum for local regional leaders, while concretely about the movement of people which must be limited from 20.00 to 06.00 WIB.

"People are not allowed to worship in mosques and prayer rooms, and people are prohibited from gathering more than three people," he said.

The implementation of the PPKM is valid for a while, from April 14, 2021 to May 17, 2021, but it will be effective starting on April 15, 2021 at night and will be evaluated once a week.

Pasi Ops Kodim 0301 / Pekanbaru Captain (Arh) Nirzam said two RWs were designated as red zones for virus transmission so that residents had to be more disciplined in implementing health protocols.

"We are also monitoring the restrictions on all residents' activities, both in places of worship and places of selling and other crowds, so that we can reduce the positive number of COVID-19," he said.

The Head of Pekanbaru Police Ops, Kompol Lilik Suryanto, stated his party's readiness to support the Pekanbaru City Government in implementing PPKM in Tenayan Raya and Marpoyan Damai Districts.

He also asked local people to comply with the rules related to PPKM.

Head of the Pekanbaru City Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Office Head Edwar S. Umar said mosques and mushalla in RW06 East Sidomulyo Village, Marpoyan Damai District and RW04 Tangkerang Timur Village, Tenayan Raya District were temporarily closed for various activities, in accordance with the local mayor's instructions.

"To administrators of houses of worship for mosques and mushalla and the community, so that they can support government programs in order to break the chain of the spread of corona. My hope is that this instruction is supported by religious scholars and community leaders," he said.

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