NTB - The Mataram City Government (Pemkot) in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province has prepared a new 2 hectare public cemetery area on Jalan Monjok Baru, to meet the funeral needs of local residents.
Mataram Mayor Mohan Roliskana said the prepared burial ground would be conceptualized as a modern public cemetery (TPU) and targeted to be used this year.
"With limited land in the city, the existence of the burial ground can meet the needs of the community for the next 20 years," he said in Mataram, Thursday, January 2, as reported by Antara.
The preparation of the new burial ground in Mataram City is also a realization of one of the political promises of the leadership of Mayor Mohan Roliskana and Deputy Mayor of TGH Mujiburrahman in the first period.
He said the preparation of the TPU land was a solution to the increasingly urgent need for burial land in Mataram City, given the limited availability of land in the city.
The concept of modern TPU is to prioritize aspects of sustainability and aesthetics by providing adequate facilities and facilities.
Therefore, of the 2 hectares of TPU land prepared, an area of 2,000 square meters is prepared for parking space so that when there is a funeral activity, vehicles can park on prepared land, without disrupting traffic flow.
"The parking area is also to provide comfort and security for visitors," he said.
In addition, TPU land will be managed environmentally and sustainably by covering the grass TPU area without using concrete.
Thus, maintaining aesthetics and can be used for a long period of time and can increase the availability of green open space in Mataram City.
"The lighting program in the cemetery area will also be a major concern for the comfort and security of residents," he said.
Previously, the Mataram City Government prepared a burial ground in Gomong Village, Selaparang District, then in Babakan, Sandubaya District with a varied area.
He faced, with the provision of the burial ground, the residents of Mataram City had access and alternative burial locations and no longer only relied on the Karang Medain Public Cemetery (TPU), which was already in a dense condition.
"For the Karang Medain TPU, it is already crowded, so people need a new burial place," he said.
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