The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has named Cheryl Darmadi as a suspect in the money laundering crime (TPPU) in a series of corruption cases in the oil palm plantation business activities of PT Duta Palma Group.
Cheryl Darmadi is known to be the daughter of businessman Surya Darmadi who is also a suspect in a similar case.
"Cheryl Darmadi, the person concerned is the Director of PT Asset Pasifik and the Chairman of the Darmex Foundation. So we will process this as a TPPU suspect," said Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the AGO, Febrie Ardiansyah to reporters, Thursday, January 2.
Then, investigators also named two corporations as suspects, namely PT Alfaledo and PT Monterado Mas. The determination is of course based on sufficient evidence.
"This is an addition, yes, other corporations are in the trial process. This is the development of evidence and assets that have been identified by investigators related to money laundering offenses," he said.
This determination, continued Febrie, is proof of the Attorney General's commitment to return state losses in the PT Duta Palma Group corruption case.
"We will continue to strive to recover negra losses of IDR 4.7 trillion. And in the case of Surya Darmadi, the prosecutor demanded state losses of IDR 73.9 trillion," said Febrie.
Previously, the investigation of the money laundering offense case with the origin crime (TPA) in the corruption case of oil palm plantation business activities, investigators have named 7 suspects.
They are PT Asset Pacific, PT Palma Satu; PT Banyu Bening Utama; PT Panca Agro Lestari; PT Kencana Amal Tani; and PT Darmex Plantations.
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