YOGYAKARTA The school campus is an educational institution that is bound by government agencies. This school helps produce prospective employees for certain government agencies that oversee it. In Indonesia there are many official schools. For those of you who are interested, it is recommended to register at official bond schools where there is a great opportunity for greater acceptance.

Actually, many other countries' ministries or institutions have attachments to official schools. It's just that many are less popular so that not many students register. This makes the opportunity for students to be accepted in official schools quite large. The following are official bond schools that are less familiar so that opportunities are accepted more.

SDP Palembang is a state university that provides vocational education in the fields of river, lake, and crossing transportation. This Polytechnic is shaded by the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia through the Agency for Human Resources Development (BPSDMP).

Later, this polytechnic graduate will work as an expert in the field of river, lake, and crossing transportation, with the competence to work in the government sector as well as related industries.

Poltekpel Surabaya focuses on education and training in the shipping sector, including navigation, engineering, and maritime management. This Polytechnic is covered by the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.

Graduates of Poltekpel Surabaya can have a career as a commercial shipping officer, ship engineer, and professional in other maritime sectors, both in government and private agencies.

Poltrada Bali is a university that has a vocational education program in the field of land transportation, including traffic management and transportation techniques. This university is under the auspices of the Ministry of Transportation.

Later, graduates of the Bali Police will work as professionals in land transportation management, transportation planning, and other related fields.

The Polytechnic of Corrections (Poltekip) is an official college under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of the Republic of Indonesia.

Poltekip graduates will be appointed as State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and placed in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Directorate General of Corrections, such as Correctional Institutions, State Detention Centers, Correctional Centers, and State Confiscation Property Storage Houses.

STIS Statistical Polytechnic (Polstat STIS) is an official school that focuses on statistical education and statistical computing. STIS Polstat is under the auspices of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), a government agency tasked with providing official statistical data in Indonesia.

STIS Police Graduates were appointed as State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at BPS. Their main profession involves collecting, processing, analyzing, and presenting statistical data. This role supports data-based government decisions.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics College (STMKG) is an official college under the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). The graduates of STMKG are prepared to become experts who support the task of BMKG in providing meteorological, climatological, geophysical, and air quality information.

As an official school, education at STMKG is free of charge. Graduates of STMKG will be appointed as State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and placed in various BMKG work units throughout Indonesia.

It is recommended to monitor the official school registration schedule according to applicable regulations.

Those are some official bond schools whose entry opportunities are large. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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