JAKARTA - The Nagrak Police Criminal Investigation Unit managed to arrest a man with the initials GG (59), a resident of Dukuhnara Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. GG is suspected of being involved in a domestic violence case (KDRT) by pouring hard water on his wife, two stepchildren, and grandchildren.
"This incident occurred on Sunday morning at the victim's house in Pagarari Village, Nagrak District. The incident took place when the perpetrator had just returned from out of town after work," said Nagrak Police Chief, Iptu Asep Suhriat, in Sukabumi, Sunday, December 29, 2024.
Based on information from the police, this incident was triggered by GG's jealousy towards his wife, Dedeh Kurniasih (45). GG suspects that his wife often communicates with a man through the WhatsApp (WA) application.
GG, who had been keeping his jealousy for a long time, finally vented his emotions. When he arrived home, he found his wife entering the house after drying clothes. In the peaking emotional state, GG immediately poured hard water on the victim's face and body.
At the time of the incident, Dedeh's three children from their previous marriage, namely Ayi Ratna, Sarif Alfian (18), and Angga (11), were in the house. Seeing his mother being attacked, they tried to provide help. Unfortunately, Sarif and Angga were also hit by hard water by GG.
Not only that, his grandson, who is still a toddler, with the initials Da (4), also became a victim. When the incident took place, the toddler was being carried by Ayi Ratna so that she was splashed with hard water.
After carrying out the action, GG did not run away. Residents who witnessed the incident immediately reported it to the Nagrak Police. Shortly thereafter, GG was arrested by the police.
"We have submitted this case to the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim for further investigation. Currently, the suspect is being held in the Sukabumi Police Headquarters cell," added Asep.
According to Asep, the main motive for this action is strongly suspected to be jealousy. GG admitted that the main target of sprinkling hard water was his wife. However, because his children and grandchildren were near his wife, they were also affected.
The victim has been rushed to Sekarwangi Hospital in Cibadak for treatment. Based on medical examinations, Dedeh and Angga suffered serious burns to their faces and other body parts due to hard water.
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