JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appealed to state officials from the central government to local governments to pay zakat through official institutions. One of them, through the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) Central and scattered in each region.

"I also urge all state officials, state-owned enterprises, private companies, regional heads to pay zakat through official Amil Zakat", said Jokowi during the launch of the Gerakan Cinta Zakat (Love for Zakat Movement) and the Handover of Zakat to the National Amil Zakat Board which was broadcast on YouTube of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, April 15.

Jokowi said that the zakat that is distributed will be used to help create people's welfare. He also hopes that this zakat can bring blessings.

Jokowi reminded that zakat giving can be done online, namely through the Gerakan Cinta Zakat which was initiated by Baznas. This is done because currently, Indonesia is still experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic.

"To adhere to and maintain health protocols, zakat can by online", said Jokowi.

"Hopefully the zakat we spend will perfect our fasting, perfect our piety, our obedience to Allah", he concluded.

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