JAKARTA - The government, through the Ministry of Health, said that immunity is very influential to fight COVID-19. Thus, maintaining the body's immunity is an important step to break the chain of spread.
The community also responds by consuming drinks and processed foods from various plants that can increase the body's immunity. However, there are factors that can also complement the condition, but have escaped the public's attention.
The Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) of the Republic of Indonesia Achmad Yurianto said that feeling happy or happy is one of the things that can increase body immunity.
Because, positive feelings will automatically affect someone's mind. "Indeed, scientifically it is known that feelings of joy, feelings of not being depressed, feelings of not being stressed greatly affect the improvement of one's immunity status," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Monday, April 6.
Conversely, if you always get feelings of gloom and depression, it will actually worsen one's immunity. So, the virus will easily damage and worsen health. Moreover, for those who are in isolation, they must always be happy.
They should not be burdened with information that will worsen their body condition. "If a person is sad, that person is stressed, they are afraid that their immunity will decrease. If their immunity will decrease, the disease will get worse later," said Yuri.
With the influence of feelings in maintaining immunity, it is highly recommended for people who undergo independent isolation to pay attention to psychological conditions. In addition, considering the isolation facilities and location must also be done to provide a sense of comfort.
"Therefore, regarding the location, it should be chosen, how can they be happy, there are facilities for us to see sports together, carry out worship, must be happy," said Yuri.
Likewise, a psychologist from the University of Indonesia Kassandra Putranto added, the condition of a person's feelings will certainly provide a stimulus to the brain and have an impact on the condition of the body. So, feeling happy is very important to help fight COVID-19.
However, he thinks that worry is very human. Every human being basically has an instinct that is able to consider the truths about the things he encounters. Therefore, it takes a real role from the government to provide important progress.
"Because the brain will be forced to fixate on one thing that is not necessarily true. So that it affects other functions, such as respiratory function," said Kassandra.

Even if Yuri mentioned the need for the public to receive good news, wouldn't the government play a big role in presenting good news through real achievements and handling steps? By fulfilling the PPE needs for medical personnel in the field, perhaps it could be the first step to build that excitement.
After all, Yuri herself said that society, especially patients only think negatively, such as anxiety and panic when facing COVID-19, of course the body will have difficulty increasing immunity. In the end, will affect the function of other organs.
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