BOGOR - To maximize health services, the Bogor City Government inaugurated the second phase of the Development of the Official Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of the Center for Public Health (Puskesmas) Kayu Manis on Jalan Raya Munjul, Tanah Sareal District.

The building was inaugurated directly by the Acting (Pj) Mayor of Bogor, Hery Antasari, with the signing of the inscription and band cutting witnessed by representatives of the Bogor City Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda), Tuesday, December 17.

On that occasion, Hery invited the public to take advantage of these health facilities and asked regional officials to help mobilize residents who need health services or want to access them.

"With this building, it can improve service facilities and reach the community, so that the quality and quantity of services can be provided optimally," said Hery.

Hery added that the existence of this puskesmas is in line with Asta Cita from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, which includes free screening services to the public and a decrease in Tuberculosis (TB) cases.

In addition, this is also a strategic project for Bogor City in the health sector whose implementation is guarded together and collaborated with relevant regional officials and the Bogor District Attorney.

In the future, Hery also asked for support in fulfilling the budget in the health sector, including its facilities and infrastructure, from the Bogor City Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) and related regional apparatus.

"We hope that in the future the medical equipment can be more complete so that health services can run optimally," he said

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bogor City Health Office (Kadinkes), Sri Nowo Retno, said that puskesmas is a health service facility that provides public health efforts and first-level individual health efforts, by prioritizing promotive and preventive efforts in its working area.

Currently, Bogor City has 25 health centers. Through the Health Office (Dinkes) continues to strive to improve the facilities and infrastructure of the puskesmas. One of them is through the relocation and construction of the Kayu Manis Health Center.

"The inauguration by the Acting Mayor of Bogor is a form of Bogor City's commitment to continue to increase the quantity and quality of health facilities, both the main health center and the auxiliary health center," he said.

Thus, the construction of the Kayu Manis Health Center according to standards is expected to improve the quality of health services in the working area of the Kayu Manis Health Center, which includes Kayu Manis Village, Kencana Village, and Cibadak Village.

For information, the construction of the Kayu Manis Health Center was carried out in two stages initiated since 2023 during the leadership of Bima Arya and Dedie Rachim, then continued in Phase 2 during the leadership of Acting Mayor of Bogor Hery Antasari in 2024.

The construction of the second phase of the puskesmas on an area of 865 m2 includes the Main Space, Supporting Room, and the Complete Room.

The main space consists of the Waiting Room, Children's Playroom, Panel Room, ISPA Poli, TB, and General, Laboratory, Lactication Room, Da'ak Corner, Pharmacy and Cited Room, Drug and Vaccine Warehouse, Steril Space, Counseling Room, Kitchen, Laundry, Change Room, Patient Toilet, Employee Toilet, and Disabled Toilet.

Meanwhile, the Supporting Room consists of a Genset Room, Waste Room, and Infection Waste Room.

Finally, the Complete Room consisting of Parking and Biotech Lands.

With the new building that has started operating, it is hoped that the Kayu Manis Health Center can become a better health service center and more accessible to the public.

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