PALEMBANG - Sri Meilina, the parent of Lady Aurelia Pramesti, apologized to the coas doctor Muhammad Lutfi who was the victim of abuse by his personal driver, Fadilah. The incident took place at a cafe in Palembang on December 10, 2024.
This apology was conveyed by Sri Meilina after undergoing an examination at the Ilir Timur II Palembang Police. He was present accompanied by his attorney, Titis Rachmawati.
"We, on behalf of myself and my family, apologize profusely to Lutfi and his family for this incident by my driver, Fadilah," said Sri Meilina, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, December 17.
Sri Meilina emphasized that she fully handed over the legal process to the authorities regarding the incident of the persecution.
Meanwhile, Sri Meilina's attorney, Titis Rachmawati, explained the background of the incident. According to him, his client met the victim to ask for confirmation regarding the licensing of his son's schedule, which was considered to have received an unfavorable response from Lutfi.
"'You have asked for a schedule many times, so you have arranged it yourself.' Well, hearing Lutfi's answer like that, our client just wants to confirm and clarify. There is no other intention," explained Titis Rachmawati.
This case stems from communication related to the scheduleoff which then led to acts of persecution by the personal driver of the Lady Aurelia family. The legal process against the perpetrators is still ongoing in the police.
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