JAKARTA - Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) Police Chief Inspector General Djoko Poerwanto revealed that a member of the Palangka Raya Police, Central Kalimantan, Brigadier Anton Kurniawan Setiyanto (AKS) fired two shots in the murder case of an expedition driver
"I started with Wednesday, November 27, 2024, witness Haryono and Anton in one car to the TKP Jalan Tjilik Riwut KM 39 in Bukit Batu District, Palangkaraya," said Djoko in a hearing (RDP) with Commission III of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, October 17.
"On the way around KM 39, Anton's brother approached the victim and told the victim that he was a member of the Regional Police and received information that there were illegal levies at Post Lalu 38," he continued.
Djoko said the victim was driving a Grand max which was aimed at transporting an expedition from Banjarmasin. The perpetrator then invited the victim to get in the car and come to the post and then 38.
"Then Haryono's brother was ordered by Anton to run the vehicle towards the casongan," he said.
But on the way, the perpetrator asked the witness to turn around. On that occasion, the witness heard the perpetrator shot the victim.
"At that position, Haryono heard a gunshot eruption where the victim's sitting position was next to Haryono's brother," said Djoko.
After the first shot, Djoko said the perpetrator ordered the witness to turn the vehicle back towards Kasongan. Then, the perpetrator again fired a second shot.
"And it was heard that Anton had another second eruption," he said.
After killing the victim, the perpetrator then took an expedition car and dumped the victim's body on the side of the road.
"Then on the following day, Tuesday, December 10, 2024, Haryono visited the Palangkaraya Police in terms of giving the incident that I mentioned earlier, we must confirm the information given by Haryono to the Palangkaraya Police," explained Djoko.
Previously, a member of the Palangka Raya Police, Brigadier AKS, was named a suspect and threatened with the death penalty. Brigadier AKS is strongly suspected of being involved in the murder of an expedition driver whose body was found in Katingan Regency on Friday, December 6.
"This case stems from the discovery of a corpse in an oil palm plantation in Katingan Regency, on Friday, which we then carried out further investigation," said Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Nuredy Irwansyah Putra, during a press conference, at the Central Kalimantan Police Headquarters, Monday, December 16.
Together with a man with the initials H, the perpetrator was charged with Article 365 paragraph 4 or Article 338 in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a maximum sentence of death or life imprisonment or imprisonment for a certain period of up to 20 years.
In this case, the Central Kalimantan Police have examined 13 witnesses, so that from the results of the investigation, it is suspected that there was involvement of unscrupulous police officers in the case.
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